Saturday, July 7, 2012


As a quick summary, we arrived early Saturday morning and spent the entire day doing a scavenger hunt around the city. Jet lag has been a major component in my lack of function. Allergies have also been killing me as well. I struggled pretty hard this last week to get used to being here in Australia. I didn't think it would be too much of an adjustment from America - given the two countries have a lot more similarities than most others - but it is. At around dinner time is when my body tells me that is time for bed. But enough about me...

Melbourne is beautiful, lively, and a cultural hot spot. The people here are friendly and polite and many of my Australian stereotypes of been filled quite successfully since arriving here.

So just in case you have no idea what I am doing here I'll explain, since I currently have a better idea.

This first week we went to a Student Life conference called Mid-Year Conference. Student Life is the equivalent of CRU back in the US. It is much smaller however and full of wonderful Asians. At this conference (which was held in South Wales - We are in Victoria) we got to meet the students and missionaries and spend an awesome week in worship and teaching. A small handful of these students attend the "Uni's" that we will be attending. Now that we've returned to Melbourne, we will be reaching out to the campuses (mostly a school called RMIT) talking to them about Jesus and maybe recruiting for Student Life. In our downtime we may do some fun things like watch a game of footy or visit cool places. I laid eyes on my first pack of roos the other day. Also, I got to eat a kangaroo hot dog and it was delicious!

Here's the lake by the camp we stayed at:

Anyways as much as i enjoy Australia there have been many things I don't enjoy.

1. Prices here are out of control. If you want to not be hungry you better be prepared to empty your wallet. Btw, just like the Czech Republic and Poland, money here feels like it's from monopoly. It's just so fun looking I can never take it seriously.

2. Water fountains are as rare as unicorns out here. Thirst is a common problem we have and not having water fountains around is a good way of not solving this problem.

3. Vegemite. It's terrible. I've been told to put butter with the vegemite. But the amount of butter it would take to cover up the terribleness of the vegemite would overcome the taste of the bread as well.

4. Winter. This doesn't have anything to do with Australia. But when you go from sunny, warm America to chill, wintery Australia, it is never an improvement (at least in my eyes). More clothes to pack. Sickness from cold. Just a long list of reasons for why I disapprove of cold weather.

Well mates, cheers for reading my blog! Goodnight to me, and good morning to you ;-)

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